Friday, June 18, 2010

Goodbye Carpenters for Christ!

The Carpenters for Christ have gone home and how much we appreciate all they have done for our church, serving the Lord the way they have. Thank you to all the ladies, men and children who have been so involved in the meal preparation, serving, and cleaning, to the people who have run errands everyday, who stayed on site to help out, those who worked behind the scenes, those who donated food, those who gave financially, and those who continually prayed for the events daily. How exciting it is to see a church body so united and having a desire to please the Lord and to give Him glory for it all!!
Although updates will be slower now, please come back and keep updated as we look to God to finish this church building. Continue to pray for Bible Baptist, that the finances will come to complete the work here and He will continue to meet our every need. Our God is good!!
(Pastor and Bonnie being presented with a Bible)

1 comment:

  1. Amen to all you have said. Yes, God is good---all the time! Hallelujah what a Savior!
    Pastor Ron
