Saturday, November 6, 2010

Long, overdue update

Sorry for the delay in updates :) Here is the scoop!

Painting has been completed in all rooms. Trim is going up in the auditorium. Tile has been laid in the bathrooms and is being finished. All light fixtures are put up. Drop ceiling grids have been put in place but the ceiling grid tiles still need to be purchased. Someone has graciously donated the money needed to buy the cabinets and they have been ordered! We thank God for this blessing! The carpet has been chosen but has yet to be purchased.
We are waiting on the Lord to supply the $22,000 we need to complete the building. We would love to be in by the end of this year!!
Thank you to all who continue to pray for the ministry here.


  1. Jim and Sharron Smith, CanadaNovember 6, 2010 at 8:17 PM

    Well,we have been waiting to hear some news on your progress. Delighted to hear things are on the move again. We too would like to hear that you are in the new building soon. Praise God for all that has been accomplished lately. It will be such a blessing to finally have services there. Anticipating more updates.
    Christian love,
    Sharron Smith

  2. Glad to hear the progress is moving along. Even though it's not in your schedule, it is in His. Think of you all often and keep looking on a weekly basis for updates here in the low-country.
    Alan Bagwell-Pastor
    Coresville First Baptist
    Moncks Corner, SC

  3. The guys here at work would like some update pictures of the inside. Any chance of getting some?

  4. Well,well...the very song that comes to mind is,"To God be the glory great things He hath done"..we too are so pleased to hear of this update as we pop on the blog often to see the progression of such.Continuing forth now in prayer for the remaining funds/provisions needed!Trusting you all to be enjoy this very building soon to be HOME of Bible Baptist;)

  5. opps,so sorry for the "typo's" above as once posted I noted what should have read....."Trust you all to enjoy this very building, soon to be HOME of Bible Baptist!
    Well, take care everyone.. and thanks again for your time in keeping us all informed as we share in the joys;)
